Hatfield Court
Nr Leominster
Leader II
Romany & Community Arts Project
It was good talking to you this morning about Leader II underspend. Specifically it was about ideas to bring a new dimension to one of the two projects that you have already funded, but you also felt that you might be able to suggest other sources of funding for some of the projects that wouldn’t fit into this scenario, and generally it’s good to share with you where my thoughts are moving.
A new dimension for:
1. A grant to make possible duplication of this tape, CD and sleeves, plus marketing, promotion, advertising, press handout, publicity party, exhibition of my mother’s art to accompany, and as sales outlet.
Our original grant got us only as far as creation of a master for sound and sleeves and envisaged us finding further funding for the above purposes. A sensible budget, as envisaged in our original budget, might be £4,000, of which matching funding might come from:
voluntary component
donation from Hatfield Court Studios
Herefordshire Partnership.
Basically another exciting heritage home open to the public with all the gains to local community and tourism this brings. You have a copy of my preliminary proposals and costings for this.
Total startup costs: £1,500,000
Matching funding might come from:
Heritage funding Initiative
Objective 2 (NB Brockhampton car park)
community led regeneration
Museum of Hereforshire Heritage at Eye Manor, Hatfield Court or elsewhere
Audio cassette and CD: The Border Marches Secret Armed Resistance Guerillas
Their extraordinary story (for details see the cassette ‘Herefordshire Childhood Memories’)
Approximate cost: £5,000
Matching funding:
voluntary component
donation from Hatfield Court Studios
Herefordshire Partnership
Audio cassette and CD: Francis Kilvert’s Pottery
Please keep this one very confidential as it is a brilliant idea someone else might steal!
It could also be a book. Costing and funding as above.
Audio cassette and CD: Herefordshire Heritage; Days and Nights with the Golden Cockerell Press
The history, hilarious, inspiring and poignant, of this press, 1920-1960, told by those involved. One of the three great presses of this mid-century, it was based at Eye Manor, 1936-1960.
Videos: Spirit of Herefordshire
Especially a new one about the Mappa Mundi, because the current one is so dreadful. £25,000.
New dimensions to:
A grant to facilitate marketing, promotion, distribution.
So far distribution has been almost entirely to the Romany Gypsy community. There now exists an excellent opportunity to re-edit and re-package with a non-Gypsy and local counties heritage slant. This would include a new sleeve and a series of concerts and showings to act as sales outlets, plus advertisements and a new slant building on its status as a local heritage artefact. £5,000.
Matching funding:
Grassroots (already got) £1,000
Gypsy Museum: a museum of the Romany Gypsy Heritage at Eye Manor, Hatfield Court or elsewhere
Startup cost: £1,500,000
New Age Traveller Music Video
This exciting and important neglected minority, very prevalent in Herefordshire, have their own powerful inspiring music and it will be a sister film to ‘Spirit of the Gypsies’ which has sold very well.
Matching funding:
Awards for All
Audio cassette and CD: The Music of Spirit of the Gypsies
Jeremy Sandford FanClub Archives
Almost all of the content of these webpages is copyright of the estate of
Jeremy Sandford, RIP.
They are provided here for your private research,
and as a tribute to Jeremy.
However the index and sorting and coding are copyright of me,
George @ dicegeorge.com(c)2006