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As amended 15 Jan 2000

Gypsy Songs Video

Now called

‘Spirit of the Gypsies’


Breakdown of Income and Expenditure




Filming (1)


Filming (2)


Filming (3)


Offline Editing


Online Editing (1)


Online Editing (2)


Online Editing (3)


Premiere, etc. (1)


Premiere, etc. (2)


July – September ‘99


October – December ‘99


Jeremy’s time / Hatfield running expenses


Summary of expenses


Income to Gypsy Council


Income to Jeremy


Situation as at December ‘99


Invoice to Gypsy Council


Gypsy Songs Video


Preproduction: Recces and Casting, etc. (up till April 1998)

Travel and sustenance costs for preproduction briefing and discussion of script; Jeremy, Charlie, George

£78 cash

Meals away from home @ average £3 per trip x 7

£21 cash

Hatfield Court expenses

£250 chq

Jeremy’s travel costs (35 average x 7 @ 20p per mile),

i.e. visiting locations for recce, casting of musicians, etc.

£49 cash

Typing, postage, admin.

£30 cash

Total above section:


Production: Filming (1) (May 1998)

Paid to Nick Gifford first instalment of payment of £1300 to cover photography till 2 p.m. Sunday 24th

£500 chq

Food for singers

£26 cash

£47 chq

£25 cash

Attempted repair of Granada VCR

£12 cash

Mark O’Gallaidh (performance)

£55 cash

Ted Atkinson (performance)

£45 cash

Brigid Price (performance)

£35 cash

Mic and Suzie Darling (performance)

£50 cash

Dave Rawlings (performance)

£20 cash

Location fee Gypsy caravan

£5 cash

Snacks for team

£15 cash

Facility fee for accommodation

£23 cash

Jeremy Sandford’s travel, 94 miles @ 20p

£18 cash

Cleaning fluid for VCR and one VCR tape

£4 cash

Incidental expenses

£15 cash

Total above section:


Production: Filming (2) (May 1998)

Jeremy: wine and food for later in week

£30 cash

Jeremy: petrol

£30 cash

Replacement VCR for copying rushes

(formerly £225 but reduced because VCR also used for some other things)

£149 chq

Video cassettes (ditto)

£8 cash

Extension lead (ditto)

£9 cash

Johnny Sheridan (lead to singer J. Connors)

£10 cash

Hire of Video screen (ditto as above)

£30 cash

Eski (transport)

£15 cash

Charlie Smith (performance)

£50 chq

Professional advice, Charlie

£100 chq

Mick Darling (performance)

£100 cash

Marco (performance)

£50 cash

Viv (performance)

£25 cash

Ted (performance)

£50 chq


£20 chq

Cook £30 x 2

£60 chq

Accommodation £8 x 10

£80 chq

Location fee £75 x 2

£150 chq

Tea for performers

£14 cash

Drinks for performers (Bromyard)

£4 cash

Jackie Davies location

£30 cash

Drinks for performers

£7 cash

Wiggy Smith performance & location

£50 cash

Mic (further fee: performance)

£30 cash

Ted (further fee: performance)

£65 cash

Dave Rawlings (song & location)

£50 cash

Jeremy: petrol

£10 cash

Nick Gifford, 2nd payment

£700 chq

Nick’s final invoice

£100 chq

5 x camera film

£150 chq

Ted: accommodation for artistes and crew

£171 chq

Artistes travel

£84 chq

Total above section:


Filming (3) David Essex Shoot (September 1998)

Hire of camera, radio mike, insurance, VAT

£142 chq

2 tapes, camera transport, VAT

£56 chq

Transport to location, 3 people @ £12.50

£37 cash

Tube fares, 2 people @ £1.30 x 4

£5 cash

Jeremy: train fare return Leominster – Paddington

£29 cash

Replacement of camera for production stills

£150 chq

James Lamprea cameraman fee

£200 chq

Charlie Smith consultation advice, performance

£50 chq

Lunch for 16 on location

£75 chq

Charlie Smith travel expenses, etc.

£75 chq

Hire of Trotting Gig

£50 cash

David Essex expenses

£100 cash

Hire of location

£95 c+c

P. Ingram Musicians fee, Julie

£25 cash

Total above section:




Off-Line Editing (October to December 1998)

VHS Editing Suites: Dry hire for use at Hatfield and in situ hire at Vivid Birmingham, Ty-Film Cardiff and Rural Media Comp Hereford

39 days @ average £30 per day with some bulk booking deductions

£949 chq

Travel by car to pick up and return editing suite and to edit in situ

1440 miles @ 20p

£288 cash

Travel by train

Fifteen return journeys @ £10.50 average

£158 cash

Meals away from home while editing:

Mid-day meals @ £4 average x 31

£124 cash

Tea-breaks @ £1.50 average x 31

£47 cash

Transfer of film to VHS for editing

£250 chq

Travel for script conference with Charlie (Gypsy Council):


£31 cash


£12 cash

Charlie/Gypsy Council consultation fee

£75 cash

Gypsy Council meals away from home

£16 cash

Hire of hall, Stow-on-the-Wold, for promotion

£40 chq

Travel, own car, Hatfield/Leominster station/Hatfield

£34 cash

Total above section:


On Line Editing (1) (January to April 1999)

Co-editor, 12 days @ £1,000

£1000 c+c

Avid suite at Ty-Film, 5 days


£600 chq

£105 chq

DV Player, 2 days


£220 chq

£39 chq

Transport to pick up DV

£10 chq

Beta transfer tapes @ £14.41 x 12


£173 chq

£18 chq

Beta S.P. Playout, 90 ML 21.90 x 2


£44 chq

£8 chq

Edit suite 2½ days at Rural Media @ £150 per day incl. VAT

£375 chq

Dat tape recorder

Two fonts

£5 chq

£60 chq

Travel by train, 10 return journeys @ £10.50 average

£106 cash

Total above section:


On Line Editing (2) (January to April 1999)

Travel using own cars and public transport, 15 return journeys,

average 19 miles @ 20p per mile

£57 cash

Travel by train, 11 journeys @ £10.50 average

£116 cash

Consultation advice, Charlie (Gypsy Council)

£75 cash

Bus journeys, 70p average x 2 x 10

£14 cash

Taxi from Hereford (on missing train)

£20 cash

Post Production music:

Les Penning trip to Pystyllgwm to record

Eva (fiddle)



Metronome replacement

My travel Pystyllgwm

£50 cash

£20 cash

£30 cash

£20 cash

£20 cash

£30 cash

Total this section:


On Line Editing (3) (January to April 1999)

Food and drink, musicians at recording session

£49 cash

Sheet music – Lonesome Boatman

£9 chq

Tape to record V.O.s etc. + 2 other DAT tapes

£14 cash

Hire of recording venue

£10 cash

Servicing of accordian

£75 chq

Taxis @ £3 average x 4

£12 cash

Taxi Hatfield/Leominster for post-production music consultation

£6 x 4 (while car broken down)

£24 cash

Refreshments, post-production music consultation

£16 cash

Les Penning, recording and mixing

£200 chq

Avid suite at Ty-Film, 2nd 5 days

£600 chq

Avid suite at Rural Media and other payments to Rural Media

£300 chq

Further payments to Ty-Film

£100 chq

Total above section:


Manufacture, Duplication, Premiere, Sales, Promotion (1)

(April to May 1999)

Duplication: 200 @ £3 each, Media Transcript Services

£609 chq

Sleeve @ 55p each x 200

£110 chq

Further work on sleeve

£20 chq

Les Penning post production music

£100 chq

Les Penning work on sleeve

£30 cash

Transport to pick up duplicated copies

£30 cash

Excerpts on Beta for Central Television


Mic Darling TV promotion

£125 cash

Total above section:


Manufacture, Duplication, Premiere, Sales, Promotion (2)

(May to June 1999)

Hire of tent and generator

£135 cash

Petrol for generator

£14 cash

Big screen and projector

£78 chq

Picking up big screen and projector

£40 cash

Returning screen and projector (voluntary)


Entry fee for site

£25 cash

My travel: Hatfield/Stow Fair/Hatfield, 45 miles x 20p x 2

£18 cash

Refreshments in tent: Tea, Milk, Whisky, Sugar

£20 cash

500 paper cups

£5 cash

Refreshments Mic and Suzie Wycliffe and Clive Arms promotion

£6 cash

Meals away from home, £4.50 x 18

£81 cash

Little Crow Transport, Provisions

£40 cash

Production stills

£65 cash

Total above section:


July/August/September 1999


Manufacture of 300 copies

£673 chq


£30 cash

Sleeve Insert, manufacture and duplication

£70 chq

£78 chq

£30 chq

Labour, inserting inserts

£12 cash

Mic Darling, TV promotion (2nd payment)

£125 chq

Total expenditure:



Central TV Extracts on telly (this was previously entered as £600 but only £250 of it was actually for extracts from film. The rest was for help with the Carlton Film in other areas)

£250 chq

Sold 109 copies @ £7

£763 cash

Sold 4 copies @ £10

£40 cash

Total Income:


Note: sale or return:

Ted Atkinson has 28 @ £7

Tom Acton has 10 @ £7

Mic Darling has 38 @ £7 (I think)

Charlie has 20, basis to be discussed

October/November/December 1999


Manufacture of more copies

£560 chq

Stamps for invites to London showing




Putting in sleeves


More stamps


Dutton House 300 inserts

£182 chq

Hire of big screen

£160 chq

Bar staff


Drink bought


Travel to London and back for screening




Big screen return to hirer




Les Penning invites

£15 chq

Secretarial and fax to do with correspondence with Gypsy Council about outstanding money


Les Penning ‘New Roller’ receipt date 21.9.99 not entered before


Les Penning work on sleeve receipt date 28.6.99 not entered before


Visit to London to discuss contract with Gypsy Council




(much of the above to do with a screening in London)


10 @ £10 = £100

Bar take = £100

22 @ £7 = £154 chq

32 @ £7 = £225 chq

2 @ £7 = £14

1 @ £10 = £10



Jeremy Sandford’s Time and

Hatfield Running Expenses

Jeremy Sandford’s time:

An estimated 39 weeks (non continuous) @ National minimum

wage £140 p.w. (Possibly too low, until recently I charged £250 p.w.

which is still much less than National Average wage.) £5,460

(Note: this was previously estimated at 24 weeks but, including work

involved in sales and premieres, promotion, etc. 39 weeks seems a

more accurate estimate. This is possibly an overestimate but the time

worked was non-continuous and while no work was done in some

weeks, many days were 12 hour days and many weeks six day weeks, non-

continuous work over the two years this project has been operating.)

Studio and Office expenses to do with general running of place, not any

particular project. Keeping rooms warm, clean and in good condition,

things like council tax, repairs and replacements, heat and light, fax and

telephone and postage costs, motor maintenance, licence, insurance, all

general costs to keep Hatfield Studios going, rather than costs relating to

any particular project, for typical year: £3841. Suggest we charge ) £1,920

Other examples include light and heat for rooms used as editing suites.

This is the proportion allowed by the Inspector of Taxes as a legitimate

expense for self employed schedule ‘D’ where the place used for work in

the house varies, i.e. now here, now there; for writing or doing accounts

or photography, editing suite or sound studio. It is about half the actual

costs. In arriving at costing for the film we are suggesting half that would

be appropriate, i.e. quarter total sum.

Note: the £250 costs during the pre-production period refer to the period

before the financial year beginning 5 April 1998 when a different method

of costing the project was being used.

As of 15 December 1999

Summary of Expenses Total

Pre-production £428

Filming (1) £895

Filming (2) £2,431

Filming (3) £1,089

Offline Editing £2,024

Online Editing (1) £2,763

Online Editing (2) £452

Online Editing (3) £1,409

Manufacture, Premiere, Sales, Promotion (1) £1,049

Manufacture, Premiere, Sales, Promotion (2) £527

July/August/September 1999 £1,015

October/November/December 1999 £1,378

Jeremy’s time, etc. £5,460

Hatfield running expenses proportion £1,920

Total Expenses as of 15 December 1999: £22,840


As paid into Treasurers Account, Gypsy Council

Arts Council £3,750

Elmley £2,000

Gov. Office £1,342

Gov. Office £494

Arts Council £1,250

Gov. Office £708

Total: £9,544

To come to Gypsy Council

Gov. Office final payment £373

Making a grand total of: £9,917

Note: In February 1999 £60 was removed from the account.

This has been explained by George and Charlie as an

unauthorised transfer done by the bank.

Jeremy Sandford, Hatfield Studios


Received from Gypsy Council

May ’98 £1,000

June ’98 £2,000

June ’98 £700

Oct ’98 £1,898

Mar ’99 £1,000

Total: £6,598

To come from our donors via the Gypsy Council

Gov. Office (paid Jan ’99) £494

Gov. Office (paid June ’99) £708

Gov. Office (final payment) £373

Arts Council (paid) £1,250

Total: £2,825

Income from sale of videos (May/June ’99)

May 13:

100 sold @ £10 £1,000

75 sold @ £7 £525

25 kept to give to contributors or for review copies

July/August/September ’99 (includes TV extract) £1,058

(previously £2,000 but now realise this was an over-

optimistic figure)

October/November/December ’99 £650

Total: £3,233

Grand Total (assuming Gypsy Council hands over all the money

received for the film) £12,656

About 10, or 13, copies not accounted for - possibly given as gifts, demos, etc.

Mic has some 30 outstanding

A further 30 given to Charlie, bringing his total to 50

Situation as at 15th December ‘99

On receipt of all payments from donors via Gypsy Council £9,423

Income from sale of video £3,233

Total income: £12,656

Total expenses so far: £22,840

Amount now needed to break even

(assuming Gypsy Council hands over all money given by donors) £10,184

Amount now needed to break even if Gypsy Council continue

to hang on to the money £13,009








21 January 2000

To: George Wilson


The Gypsy Council

Dear George

I will be most grateful to receive the moneys outstanding paid to the Gypsy Council to finance the video ‘Spirit of the Gypsies’ (‘Gypsy Songs Video’) at your earliest convenience.


Paid by George Wilson, with thanks £6,598

Balance still to come £2,825

Made up as follows:

The money which Ann Bagehott says was ‘overlooked’ in the treasurers account in January, paid in by the Government Office for the West Midlands (her letter 6th July ’99).


A further sum of £780 which the Government Office say they paid into the (Treasurers) Lloyds account on 3rd June ’99 but despite my request to Ann Bagehott that she confirms it is in the account, she has not so far confirmed this (now confirmed by George, letter of 14th October ’99, it is now in the account).


Final payment from the Arts Council (Arts 4 Everyone) as requested in our letter of early June, sent to George for signing by Charlie and sending on to them about 7th June ’99. Again I have not had confirmation from you as to whether or not it is in the account (now confirmed by George, letter of 14th October ’99, it is now in the account).


A further sum from the Government Office which should have reached you by now but may be late. Again I have not had confirmation from you as to whether or not it is in the account.



Payment, especially of those sums which have been in the Treasurers Account for some while, will be very gratefully received.


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Almost all of the content of these webpages is copyright of the estate of
Jeremy Sandford, RIP.
They are provided here for your private research, and as a tribute to Jeremy.
However the index and sorting and coding are copyright of me,
George @ dicegeorge.com(c)2006

www.JeremySandford.org.uk (c) 2006
[Jeremy Sandford FanClub]