The Contract
turning away from these more general considerations
of woman’s oppression
and the way we’re all degraded
by sexism
to the more particular
here’s something else that interests me.
you said
what do you think;
if a man and a woman should happen
to go to bed together
would that give either one any rights
over the other
except I mean the right to be
in bed with each other at that moment,
or touch each other up
or whatever?
no rights
why do you ask?
and what would you say to the question
if their going to bed with each other
led to consequences such as one or other
falling in love with the other
would either partner be justified in blaming the other
for those consequences?
mm ...
no ...
what if those consequences
were quite unforeseen
quite unforeseen by either party
and ended up entirely
different to what either
of them ever thought they would?
what would you say to that?
could either hold the other to blame?
such things have been known
but it wouldn’t be right!
would you still like to go to bed with me,
like you said on Tuesday?
oh yes
I said it too on Wednesday and Thursday!
you stretched out your hand
took mine
shook it gently once
went out to go to the loo
came back said
on those terms, I accept
next moment all hell heaven and high water broke loose.
Jeremy Sandford FanClub Archives
Almost all of the content of these webpages is copyright of the estate of
Jeremy Sandford, RIP.
They are provided here for your private research,
and as a tribute to Jeremy.
However the index and sorting and coding are copyright of me,
George @ dicegeorge.com(c)2006