Why was there a housing famine?
There was a housing famine because rarity value had pushed the price of homes up beyond the level at which people on ordinary incomes could afford them.
Successive governments had cut down on building when they should have given the go-ahead.
The Tories, during their years in office, had allowed public building to drop by almost a half.
It wasn’t only this. Increasingly, extended families were breaking down and people were living at lower and lower densities with more and more one-person households.
Many couples were splitting up rather than staying together and when they split up required two homes rather than one.
Planning laws, designed to protect the environment, were getting more and more severe. It was no longer possible, as it had been for at any rate some people during most of this country’s history, to find a quiet spot somewhere and put a house up on it.
Also, laws about building houses were making it too complicated a process for ordinary people to attempt any more to build their own homes as some had been able to do through countless previous centuries.
The same is still true today; it is made extremely hard for anyone to build their own home.
Jeremy Sandford FanClub Archives
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George @ dicegeorge.com(c)2006